The role of the BCF is one of topping up existing resources. This can be:
- Grants towards everyday outgoings such as rent, electricity, food and heating
- A wide range of emergency and sundry grants
Basic household equipment, such as bedding, ovens and fridges, and essential repairs
- Education support grants for adults who need to learn new practical skills
Clothing grants for children
Essential dental work or new spectacles for the elderly
- The costs of repatriation, when all else has failed.
- Heating grants, to help with the cost of fuel or to buy logs; more if the winter is harsh.
BCF grants are discretionary and the amounts and duration will depend on the severity and urgency of help needed.
It is not the policy of the BCF to make loans or to repay personal debts.
Awarding grants
If the BCF thinks that it can help, it will do everything it can to make life manageable again for the beneficiary. Each application is carefully considered, and each beneficiary is referred to a contact welfare committee member. The BCF works as rapidly as it can to send out the grants, which are so desperately needed by those it helps.
All grants are monitored regularly. During interviews and home visits, the BCF tries its best to put people at their ease, to reassure and give encouragement. It keeps in touch with the beneficiary with regular follow-up phone calls to check that all is well.
Where the BCF Helps
The BCF assists British citizens throughout France.