Our goal is to help …

Our small but very special charity was created in 1823 by the British Ambassador, Viscount Granville, in response to the dreadful poverty suffered by British migrant workers and their families in Paris.

Almost two centuries later our goal is still to help our fellow countrymen and women who have come to live in France and find themselves, for whatever reason, in desperate need of financial support. The people we help are of all ages and come from all walks of life, and though originally a Paris-focused charity, we now receive and welcome applications from many other parts of France.

While most applicants come to us directly, we often receive requests for help from the British Consulates and English-speaking churches. We work too with other British charities and welfare organisations working in France to relieve financial hardship. We may be asked to contribute to an aid package or to take on a case where they are unable to help.

Donations are welcome – just click on our Donations page to find out how to give to the British Charitable Fund Paris and make a positive difference to someone’s life.